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Water Safety Instructor Peggy Young celebrates 15 year anniversary

Always a pleasure to highlight our staff’s workversaries! Truly a highlight this month to celebrate WSI instructor Peggy Young’s 15 years on board – and a delight to have Peggy’s sister, daughter & son join the celebration!

15 years – that begs the question, how many swimmers has Peggy supported with lessons?

Peggy shared the following: “Conservatively, I estimate I’ve taught about 750+ individuals over the last 15 years. That’s 50/year. It very well could have been more than that but we do have a lot of repeat participants so I was estimating how many individuals it would have been. That includes babies 6 months+ through to adults. My oldest student was 75 years old. It was very touching to find out that I taught one mom 10 years ago and now am teaching her 10 year old daughter! Just goes to prove that it’s never too late to learn to swim! 😊

Imagine the lasting impact within the community that Peggy has had – for all ages! Cheers to 15 years and thank you, Peggy, for being part of the team!

Peggy (in white) with her sister, daughter and son. Presenting the certificate and gift card: operations coordinator Josh Lemasters, HR manager Nicole Spears Galvin and Culpeper Wellness Foundation president Shari Landry.


Peggy building children’s swim skills during a lesson.